Summer Genre Awards – Eisner Awards
Well, it has been a while! I have a monthly reading post coming your way in the next few days, but in the meantime, I wanted to give you all some updates on a few great awards that have come out in the past month or so. These are great awards to check out if you have a special person in your life who loves comics, romance or science fiction, if you are curious about these genres yourself and want a good entry point, or if these genres are some of your favorites and you want to get the next best thing! Today, I am highlighting the Eisner Awards, a…
My Reading Month: July
This is about 10 days late, but there has been plenty going on in my life lately! Between visits from family and visits to family and friends my July was fairly light on reading, but I do have some to talk about. I started a few books this month and struggled to find my groove in any of them. However, I did read some beautiful graphic novels and finish some audio-books. The two reads I want to highlight are Pride of Baghdad and The Winter of the Witch. Pride of Baghdad by Brian K. Vaughan This was a beautiful graphic novel based on the true story of a group of…