Current Book Award Winners

While publishing often puts its money and marketing behind less diverse books, many book awards are designed to recognize and amplify the voices and stories of lesser known authors and lesser known books. In addition, the cash prizes and publicity involved help writers support themselves and move towards being able to write full time, which is not a reality for most authors.

This page is a list of current major (and some minor) book award winners. It is updated every few months (hopefully) to reflect recent winners. Enjoy!

You might notice that the list below only includes a couple of children’s book awards. While these are important, there are simply too many to include them all. However, if you are looking for diverse children’s books, you click HERE and HERE for a more comprehensive list.

I have also focused primarily on general fiction and nonfiction awards, as those are the books that I am drawn to, although there are a lot more awards out there that recognize unpublished work, poetry and much more! Many of the prizes below do also have poetry awards specifically, but for the interest of time (and personal interest), I have not included those below.