Weekend Joys in Books and More: January 22nd
Happy Friday!
This week has been a bit of a rollercoaster, and I’m finding my wanderlust kicking in despite the fact that I can’t go anywhere right now! Going into the weekend, I hope you enjoy this eclectic collection of reads, watches and lists.
1.) This story about a thru-hiker mystery on the Appalachian trail come to an interesting and uncomfortable resolution, but it is a good read! It also reminded me of the excellent book, The Stranger in The Woods.
2.) On a similar note, you can hike the PCT through the eyes of many hikers HERE. These are quite addicting and fun to compare!
3.) Do you ever get a kick out of seeing what books are left in rental houses? This list takes that to a new level.
4.) This week has been a joy for many reasons, not the least that the first woman (and first woman of color) was sworn in to the nation’s second highest office. Wednesday was a pretty special day in general, but if you only watch one thing, watch THIS. If you want a fun giggle, this website is also great
5.) Not to add a top 5 to another top 5, but I love longreads.com for their ability to curate good investigative nonfiction, and this list is great